Silent and no emissions besides water and good vibes.

Complete scalable fuel cell systems based around PowerCell’s fuel cell stack technology with the ability to be connected in parallel to suit zero-emission power needs everywhere.

Marine System 225

A powerful, compact and advanced maritime power generation system that builds on the success of the Marine System 200.

Marine System 200

A system specifically designed to accomplish compact integration and designed to give high efficiency. The system has a robust and durable design to ensure lasting and reliable use over time.

Power Generation System 200

A compact, yet powerful fuel cell system. With the option of operating at very low inlet pressures the system is compatible with equipment which in turn enables use of different renewable fuels.

P System 100

A powerful fuel cell system that enables durable and flexible use, with an electric output of up to 100 kW. The system is specifically designed to accomplish compact integration together with a high power output and has a robust construction.

Power Generation System 5

The system is designed for simple integration with the possibility of a customized output to a certain power or voltage target. Built on a standard 19-inch rack.