We contribute significantly to a sustainable society
For us, sustainability is close to our hearts and an integral part of our business. Our solutions are important contributors to an emission-free and sustainable world. However, sustainability is much more than contributing to a zero-emissions world. It is also about environmental responsibility, providing safe and fair workplaces, respecting human rights throughout the value chain and doing business with high ethics.
We are a signatory of the UN Global Compact and we have initiated preparations to commit to the SBTi (Science Based Targets initiative) with the aim to set a scientifically based net-zero goal for our operations.
We have established four prioritized sustainability areas:
– Reducing emissions from PowerCell’s operations
– Robust and reliable products
– Safe, stimulating workplaces
– Responsible sourcing
Reducing emissions from our operations
Our business concept is based on contributing to an emission-free society and fight the climate change. As an important enabler of an emission-free society, we aim to also reduce our own emissions.
Our goal is to reduce our scope 1–3 emissions in relation to net sales. To reach this, we continuously work to lower our energy consumption and the energy used must be environmentally labeled. Already today, 100 percent of our energy used comes from renewable sources. When possible, surplus of energy from our test labs is returned to the power grid.
All our water withdrawal comes from the local supplier and is not sourced from areas with water stress. All withdrawn water is discharged back to the city and all of it is clean.
Since its founding in 2008, PowerCell has never received any fines or made any losses related to violation of environmental laws or regulations.
Robust and reliable products
Our products are to be used in demanding applications. Product safety is therefore one of our most important sustainability areas.
We direct our offer to demanding industries such as aviation, marine, power generation, off-road and on-road vehicles. In these industries there are detailed certifications and guidelines for producers and their suppliers to guarantee safety. We have – together with our customers – obtained approval for installation and operation in both marine and aviation applications, which are the industries with the most stringent requirements.
We also offer fixed installations to be used for independent energy supply in, for example, properties, smaller communities or villages. To be successful in this area, the products must be easy to use, able to be used independently of existing infrastructure for energy supply and, of course, safe.
Safe, stimulating workplaces
To be an industry leader that exceeds customer expectations every day requires skilled, motivated employees. The prerequisite for achieving this is a culture that stimulates innovation, good leaders and excellent HR processes.
We have a strong culture that is characterized by innovation and rests on PowerCell’s mission to use our expertize to accelerate the transition towards zero-emission energy solutions. When we transformed from a development company to a leading player in the hydrogen electric industry, our culture and HR processes have been key to our success. Our goal is to maintain our strong innovative capability while creating efficient, future-proof processes.
We work proactively to ensure a more even gender distribution and value diversity. We also believe that a work environment characterized by openness and frequent dialogues between employees and employers stimulates innovation and efficient ways of working.
Responsible sourcing
When we purchase goods, we always strive to consider the sustainability aspects. To reduce the environmental impact of our products and systems, we take into account the entire life cycle, from input materials, transport and assembly to customer use and end-of-life. As a consequence, we strive to choose input materials with the lowest possible environmental impact with regards to emissions, water, minerals etc.
We also strive to use the most environmentally friendly way to transport our products to customers.
Sustainability reporting
Our sustainability work is an integrated part of our daily business. Therefore, we have also chosen to integrate our sustainability report into the annual report.
We report with reference to GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) and the GRI Index is included in the annual and sustainability report.
Our group-wide policies are revised and adopted by the board every year.